CSCI-3323 Computer Data Structures

Instructor: Todd Dole

Semester: Fall 2024

Gradle Setup

chmod u+x ./gradlew -- linux/mac command to make gradlew executable

Gradle Basic Commands

./gradlew build -- builds the entire project

./gradlew clean -- deletes all build files / compiled classes. Useful for exchanging source.

Compiling a single class

Put this into your build.gradle.kts file:

                tasks.register("compileSpecificClass") {
                    source = fileTree("src/main/java") {
                    include("com/example/") // Replace with the specific path to your class
} classpath = sourceSets["main"].compileClasspath destinationDirectory.set(file("build/classes/java/main")) // Output directory options.compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:deprecation") // Optional: additional compiler arguments }

Then, reload gradle and you can run: ./gradlew compileSpecificClass

Alternately, you can just compile directly from the command line with javac:

javac -cp build/classes/java/main src/main/java/com/example/