CSCI-1320 Homework 03

Instructor: Todd Dole

Purpose Statement

In this assignment, you will be declaring variables and using them to solve a useful problem! Hopefully you'll become more familiar with the process of writing a useful program.


Begin by making a copy of your dog years program. Compile and run the program to make sure you are starting with a working program. Rename the class to GradeCalculator and save it in a file with the same name.

Write a Java program that will have the user enter scores for homework, two exams and a final. Calculate that person's score for the course assuming that the four scores are weighted based on the syllabus for this course (25% each).

Here is an sample run of my program to give you an idea of how yours should behave:

Enter Homework  : 80.4
Enter Exam 1    : 74.5
Enter Exam 2    : 88.7
Enter Final     : 91

Final Grade is: 83.65

Submit your solution (the .java file) via email to with a subject line of “P1 HW #3”

Once you finish the assignment, feel free to “play around” with the program. Just for fun, see what other tasks you can convince your program to accomplish!